Career Counselling

What Makes You Happy?


What is happiness? Why does happiness matter?

Scientists have gotten into this game late, there have been great thinkers for quite some time who have really grappled with this fundamental question: what is happiness?

The Chinese philosopher, Confucius, writes about this concept of jen. J-E-N.(REN)  Jen is really about dignity. It's about conveying your sense of reverence or humanity towards others. A person of jen or humanity who finds happiness and brings it to others, brings good of others to completion and does not bring the bad in others to completion. What's that really is telling us, is that happiness is some sense has an outward orientation in enhancing the welfare of others.

Let's turn to another great tradition in Eastern thought which comes out of Buddhism. His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, where he writes: "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion". Again, it's interesting how this is emphasizing orienting your attention to other people and that compassion, is one of these very powerful pathways to happiness.

Aristotle arrives at a very useful idea called the Principle of Moderation. Aristotle writes anyone can become angry. That's easy. But to be angry at the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for t